Monday, October 6, 2008


Today there was snow on the mountains again. I feel it coming winter that is! It sweeps in like a fog and settles for the long winter here in Utah. Last year it snowed from October to May and I do not remember a time between that span that snow was not on the ground. I am going to enjoy the last week with my mom, before she heads back to Oklahoma. Her being here has made it hit home even more that my dad is gone and will never walk into the room again.

Over the weekend a friend of mine took some family photos and some of my mom with the boys. It makes me think of all the time I wish I had back with him. The conversations left un had. After I work on them some I will post a few!

Last night we went to the movies, we trade of Sunday nights with a couple from church. While we were gone he cut K-2 and K-4's hair. I will have to post pics because K-4 has a Mohawk and k-2 has a military cut so cute. So later this evening I will post those so you can have a good laugh.

PS: Shanna I went to the purple turtle today and had only thoughts of you my dear friend!


Anonymous said...

Aww if I could I'd blow some warmer weather your way. I bet you still have at least two months before you see snow on the ground at your house.

You must know how difficult it is for me to type this legibly? I don't know if I spelled that right...but I am intoxicated. Yes, it's true. I know. Shocking.

I am SO so so jealous that you went to Purple Turtle! The Man and I were JUST talking about it the other day. I miss the tater gems there! *sigh*

I hope your week is good and I can't wait to see the family pictures!!!