We finally did it..we convinced him to give it a try..he thought he could not do it..now he knows he can..
I am so proud of K-1 he is such a big guy it was a shame that he could not ride a 2 wheel bike. He would not start on the new one, but decided to give the old one a try. With daddy to help him, mommy, mimi and papa to cheer him on...off he went it was that simple. Such a big guy so proud of him!
Woot woot K-1! Way to go Dude!
How's your visting going? Sounds like you're having a great time, I'm so glad! :)
Hmph...my comment didn't go through I don't think...so I'll re type it...
Woot way to go K-1!! :)
How's your visit with the family going? Sounds like you're having a great time!
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