Friday, September 19, 2008

My Life in Motion

Well, I did it
yep, I did
I joined a gym
you know
one of those
things that I do
not normally do,
I am not sure
what has happened
to me!!! Something
has taken over my

Well, my mom made it safe and sound and we have been doing lots of running around! The boys have been loving having her here and getting to play with her cat Moxey.
You see I am a mean mom and will not let them have an animal till they can all take care of themselves in the bathroom! That is not to much to ask, considering I have been wiping behinds for the last year! I think it is rather a fair trade if you ask me!

Tomorrow holds scrapbooking with friends, playing with a new baby (no Shanna it does not make me want another on, you've gone CRAZY), food, and playing with the boys. Next Friday is my mom's birthday and I am think about dinner and Color Me Mine Pottery. Along with the HOLY COW boutique and the Blue Goose. My mom loves things like that! I hope that she enjoys it. I know that it will be a hard day for her.

It has been strange having her here, don't get me wrong i love it. It is just a constant reminder that he is gone from my life. I know it was hard for her today, because we have lived away most of our marriage and every time she has ever been with my children my dad was there also. K-3 and my dad always had a special bond, he asked me last night why grandpa was not here with grandma. SO sad for us all that he is not!

I am going to finish cleaning, yes I like to do it in the middle of the night. I like to play to much during the day. And, it unfortunately will not clean itself. Believe me I have waited long enough to see if it would.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad your mom is there and the boys can FINALLY have a pet to play with. I mean, gosh Rachel, you are so unreasonable when it comes to the whole pet thing. I mean, really?! hahaha ;)
That's awesome that you've joined a gym. You'll like it - time away from the kids to exercise is heavenly!
Sorry I didn't get the phone yesterday, I was up to my elbows in cordial cherry mess - I was making them with Caetlyn and we had homework and dinner to figure out too...I'll try to call you today.

Karen said...

so glad your mom made it safe and sound. I'm sure it is hard on everyone that your dad isn't there. know that he is there in spirit with you all. love and miss ya girl!

lvs2dance said...

LOVE THE NEW BACKGROUND! I also love, love, love your profile picture! It is so cute. It was so fun coming and seeing your cute house!

MrsReese said...

I think you should have another baby, that way Joe and I will move to Utah and I'll get to see my boys again and watch your new baby.. haha!
praying for you and your momma. love you!